Someone lost and I found it.

Hi darling
I miss you so much.  I always think about you . Every day and night I see you in my dreams and I feel obsessed. I  can't curb the desire to embrace you every time,but with you not around things are turning hard for me. Life seems bitter, everything is a source of sadness, society looks unhappy and even the air is sick.

I am craving to see you but miles of distance separate  us. I know you will come back ,yet I can't abstain  from thinking  about you. I think I have gone mad, but I like being mad for you. I can live and I can die in your arms. If only I have the chance to think about you, I will not give a damn to the world.

Days are long  and even the nights too. Insomnia sucked up my sleep. I am a young heart in infatuation. I think more than I am supposed to be. I wonder what my colleagues may think about me. They will think I am weird, or they will think am crazy.  But  I feel i am both. Absence and the silence escalate my emotions. I miss you more and I keep loving you more.
I love you ...please come back soon.
With love

This was a small chit I found on the road while I was taking an evening walk.  The  letter was hand written and was crumbled by passing vehicles. At first I thought it was some page from book that were thorn aloof. But my thorough  reading brought  me into those undying sentences.

Even today I wonder who was karma ?and to whom he or she was writing to? Since the letter did not mention to whom it was written(started as  hi darling). as well  the ending too do not revel any clues. But here it still dwells in between the  leaves  of my book.
Poor love struck guy might have written to a lover and it got  lost before reaching him.


  1. Dear TP, that's so pretty. At first I thought it was for you :p Thank you for sharing. Am glad you have it saved. Have a wonderful weekends. Take Care!


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