local fish on the dinner table for losar. .

Today otherwise would have been a great fun to celebrate losar, but our college is in full swing and I have to attend classes. Losar ,the new year in the Bhutanese and Tibetan calendar, depicts the end of all yester year of sorrows ,the hardships and  all in all it is the end of prior year and opening  door anew for a totally different year.  
When I was a kid ,this same losar was welcomed heartily and the celebration was way abundant. We have good shower and parents give go ahead signal to wear our new clothes in pile. Food are lavish and  the menu diverse. Picnicking was flagship from  among the days  awaited program. It offers a quality time for family to gather and excursion along the river banks , in the woods and admid various oasis are always breathtaking moment. The air of the day are filled with songs and graced with dances.  We celebrate as if it's our last day to live. 

22 years from then, we mark the losar on same time but in different manner. The list program on the day of losar seemingly contrast. Wearing new clothes ,gho and kira, are not of much concern. Though  games like archery and dart make the day lively but the spectators are restricted to men. So there is less  charm in watching archery given its played everyday. As well the risk of compound bow are seemingly witnessed. Foods are by and large all fast food products and junks stuffs. Porridge is seldom prepared , subsituated by pizzas and burgers or some big fat dumpling. Very good picnic spots are limited, one available are crowded. Altogether the losar celebration has undergone a change along with the paced modern times. 

Classes has made my losar like any  other usual day. No porridge lest I would have been late for morning lecture. No dance and no singing. However I am thinking of a special menu for dinner, perhaps chicken or some local fish . I have some dry chillies in reserve, may be it will provide  a good combo for the delicious fish. Well I hop everyone also have a good time ahead for the losar. 


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