The sun has sunken in the west
It's golden rays dusted about the clouds.
The air is still and the sky too.
Kites of all colours soar in the air
Like a diamond they dazzle .
Flying with pride and glory,
Flying against the abrupt winds.

On the ground are the kids
Seeking the solace from those flying gems.
Each giving their best to keep them afloat.
A roll of string in their hand,
Bonding them  with the kite.
Bond of  enthusiasm, hops and passion,
Enthusiasm to control the kite
Hoping to fly higher then the rest.

Till the golden sky turn black
And evening star peek from from behind curtain,
These dragons soar in the sky.
They sail higher until they break loose
Vanishing beyond eye reach.
Perhaps they headed towards heaven
Or fallen on angels lap somewhere afar.


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