My granny

My granny would sit and chant prayers at the edge of the window . This is her favourite spot and she do not let anyone mess  with her sit. From the same corner she used to narrate stories while we were small. Her scary stories would put us to sleep very early.  She was not as old as she is right now, this can be understood by the colour of her hair at present.  Today her hair has turn so grey and her gums lack lower teeth. However her ageing hasn't deprive  her strength and vigour , she is still the undisputed housekeeper.
I am really grateful for what she is doing to us. Infact , we will miss her absence more than anyone because she is our mom in acting.  Preparing our meals, cleaning premises and never failing to provide us with tea whenever we are sitting idle. She is very fond of tea and snacks, though it sounds childish.
She takes doma but owing to her toothless gum, we help in grinding her doma. From the edge of the window she would look outside and gaze the village in awe. The village has undergone an unprecedented change over the year's.  Once a dark ,dispersed settlement is now a mini town. Roads and electricity has given a newlife to the village.
In winter when the days are very cold, we would stick near the Bukhar ( traditional heater) .  Since I usually get up very early, I get privilege to enjoy either hot porridge or rice wine with her. At night i often miss the dinner as I doze off near the bukhari , in close proximity to the cats who would be snoring right next to the heater.


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