
Since childhood days i loved working with plants. During weekends, i would help my dad in potting of flowers, transplanting , manuring etc. Watering was part of my daily chores. My dad  is also a genuine plant lover. He would bring lots of flowers from different places and together we would plant those in empty oil cans and boxes. Those days  flower pots were not that common. My dads enthusiasm with flowers passed down in me almost naturally. Especially i would be fascinated to see different types of flowers, with dazzling petals and leaves. Some times we would go to the border town jaigon to buy flowers and fruits. The border town would always have so many flowers to keep me dazed all the while. There would be yellow roses,white bougainvilleas, short fruits plants with voracious fruits which i did not know it was bonsai that time. 

I was really fascinated one day , when my dad brought a small potted orange with lots or fruits on it. That was in fact first inception of a bonsai picture in my mind. later it was like a blessing in disguise when i got scholarship to pursue my bachelors in horticulture in India. In the course of time, i got exposed to larger concepts of plant science, their nature, art of floriculture  so on. As hinted earlier i was pretty obsessed in art of bonsai. Well, having said that so , i actually never worked on bonsai myself till date. Although i did try to grow few vegetable in plastic bottles, they never came up. Hence it is sort of like i left the bonsai work pending for future take up . 

First thing i did after joining office i started with bonsai work which was a goal that i left pending for very long time. I potted six fruit bonsai , which includes 2 Avocados, 2 litchis, 2 mangoes. Off course i did search a lot of information , technical know-how regarding the care and plantation of bonsai. Today , i have added  a new bonsai plant to the list. Its something amusing , as vegetable bonsai is something not very common. I have prepared two chilli bonsai, one is supposed to have a cascading type structures already. Other  i will have to figure out how to transform it in the coming days. Its definitely going to seek lots of my patience. 

I have updated the photos of my first potting today. The chilli plants are uprooted from the field. i have refuted to grow it from seeds as it will take lots of time to come up. By the way i have forgotten to mention other plants beside those chillies. I have one bougainvillea bonsai, some orchids which are showing up pretty well. There are tiny sprouts at the basal portion of the plants. 

Date- 16/05/17



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