The officer

It's was a longstanding dream of my parents to pursue my career in the military. Inspired by their motivation and support , I too gradually developed affinity for working as a police officer. Most of the time it was my best friend who never failed to encourage me in the pursuit of my dream.
4 years passed in the college , came proudly graduated. But the pride was short-lived. Because I was like thrown into the boxing ring and made to fight without any training , skills . Assuming all graduates as contestant for the fight, chances for loosing my tooth,or nose was more than wining the fight. Similarly, chances of getting job for me was getting dimmer by then.
Well, one day I saw a vacancy for police officer in the news paper. It caught my attention immediately ,I applied for the vacancy without a seconds delay. After all that was what I awaited for long time and to slip it away would be disaster to me .
Everything happened very rapidly, soon I was shortlisted and sat for the test . Both practically and theoretically I did very well, especially physical test I could outdo many tough competitors and that made me and family very happy.
One day results were announced and time came for me to rejoice wholeheartedly. It was a defining moment for me, my friends and the parents. As I mentioned earlier my life seemed to be moving at fast mode. Soon , I was at Tashi gatshel, undergoing my training. It was fun yet tedious, with guns and drills, fist-tight schedules. But hectic days did could not stop me from flirting with girls ,in fact maybe because of my soon going -to -become officer tag I could find girls more easily than I used to before.
Like a dream training ended and eventually I was conferred the title of an officer with two stars on the shoulder. Joined by my families ,friends,My girlfrn,ex-girlfrn we rejoiced my promotion day with extravagant wine dine party. There were more kisses on my cheeks and lips than Khadars on the table. Everybody was overwhelmed and especially my best frn Karma. I could see tears of joy in his eyes for me . He said , ' phuntsho I am so proud of you and I have no words for your accomplishment, this is how I envisioned you with those spotless blue outfit and beautiful stars on your shoulder. " Phuntsho you know those stars on your shoulder looks so distinguishing, it really suits you ." He was little drunk by then and we went to bed that way.

I was placed to gelephu. It was customary for the officers to n initially placed in the border areas in the view to gain more experience and toughen our courage. Life of an officer is same everywhere, tight duties lesser entertainments. Occasionally, there would be emergency call and had to attend it. Kids getting into brawl , burglary cases , drugs etc. All sorts of crime from minor to deadly , could be confronted while we are in police . But I enjoyed my work and that was what I strived for , we are meant to safeguard peace and ensure safety to the public. So I feel proud of my service ,befriending virtues and punishing the vice.
One usual task would be to give supervision at the gate and act as officer in command. At the gate stakes are high as miscreants try to slip in with illegal stuffs . Most commonly controlled substances. It's so happend that one day ,we received tip-off from our undercover about possible drug smuggling of enormous quantity. A single cabin Bolero No......details of his outfit were also notified to us. We beefed up the security at the entrance, all out inspections were carried out. I was entrusted to command and coordinate the possible raid. The pressure was high and adrenalin was pumping. Everything entering the gate was checked and everybody was frisked thoroughly.
I was worried yet vigilant and I was waiting for the moment to come quick. Meanwhile,I was a called on by my senior officer for some urgent discussion. The search ensued. Later,over the walkie talkies one of the police reported me about busting the Bolero and finding the drugs. Straightaway ,I went there to inspect the car. I was shocked yet amazed to see how huge pile of drugs were carefully concealed beneath vegetables. There were marijuana,tablets,cocaine all type. The smuggler has been taken to the station for interrogation . I went there to dig in for more information.
I could see his back through the glass door, long hair and was being interrogated by one of my friends. Smugglers are lethal and selfish,because of them many people gets destroyed,I wonder why they chose this cunning way of earning money. His presence itself annoyed me.
I unhooked the handcuff off my pant and went to handcuff him. I was damn frustrated to the point I was ready to shoot him if somebody commands me to do so. I caught hold of right hand and then ordered for another.In so doing I saw the distinct tattoo on his hand . I wasn't day dreaming , could not believe my eyes As I shackled his hands . I said , 'i am sorry karma, I wish I can find reasons not to apprehend you but," ... There was a lump in my throat, I could hardly hardly say sorry for second time. Karma smiled showed no sign of remorse. He said , " at least I am happy you caught the wrongdoers and yeah that blue outfit suits you very much , and those stars on your shoulder are shining brighter than ever, bye phuentsho ". I saw his smiles for the last time , as he was helped into the prisoner bus.


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