New place new life and new beginning

 Its almost running two months since i stepped inside the campus of National Service Academy Project Jamtsholing , Samtse. I still find difficult to believe that I am here working as Bio-aesthetic Officer . Every thing happened in fast. Packing things and leaving gelephu was quite emotional. So many fond memories with amazing colleagues have been created there , hence it was heart clenching to leave all those behind. Series of farewell showered by them warmed my heart beyond measures. I remain truly thankful to them.

But destination is matter of choice than a chance or perhaps both. This post of bio-aesthetic officer seems to have awaited me all this while. So many things have already transpired for this post and eventually it has offered itself to me. Perhaps , god knew my passion for flowers and heard prayers that I occasionally offer. More importantly, the journey that lies ahead is what makes me anxious . Massive project and directly accountable to His Majesty The King. This project which is the epoch making , milestone project of lifetime. So being able to be part of this project itself is a huge blessings. The sheer magnitude of the site leaves me crestfallen sometimes.

Since day one of my arrival here , i have given my best and still doing the same. Although like typical red tapes in civil bureaucracy system, it has found its roots here as well. But what keeps me undeterred is the vision of His Majesty The king. I dont have any to serve serve anybody's whims and fancies. I will strive and submit only to His Majesty The King.

Land scaping in such a mammoth project looks a uphill task undoubtedly. Everything has to be started from ground zero. The guidelines has been provided but often lack clarity and inclusivity. The experts at the Head office doesnt seem to keen to but our suggestions. Maybe , its little too hard hit to their ego to point their flaws and discrepancies in the guideline. So far, fully engrossed in practical works. Three assistant girls and two helper girls. Six of us is navigating everything here ourselves. Which is way tougher than i thought. 

The girls are testament of hard work and perseverance. I am very impressed by their strength, resilience, obedient girls. They deserve all the praises for the same. I feel apprehensive sometimes, how i could assure that we all stay on the same page for few many months to go together. Right now, we are on the same boat that literally entered the ocean. In our voyage to the other side, tides and typhoon, storms or wind are unavoidable and we need to face it.



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